TCA Salutes Highway Angel Jeremy Frank, of Zanesville, Ohio
Alexandria, Virginia:
The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) recently recognized Jeremy Frank, of Zanesville, Ohio, as a Highway Angel for being the sole person to stop to assist a woman involved in a serious accident on a busy interstate.
Frank was driving on Interstate 77 in Akron, Ohio, making a delivery along his usual run to New York, when he came across an accident that had just happened. A vehicle was pinned between a concrete barrier and another car that had skidded across the highway. Frank was surprised that no one was on the scene to help, but without hesitation, he pulled his rig over to the side of the road. The female driver of the pinned vehicle was just stepping out of her car when he arrived on the scene.
“She complained of neck pain – luckily she had been wearing her seat belt – but she seemed OK otherwise,” Frank said of the middle-aged woman who was alone in the vehicle. “She was very upset; she grabbed hold of my hand and hugged me and asked me to pray with her.”
Frank tried to calm the woman and called her husband to let him know of the situation. He then checked on the condition of the male driver of the other vehicle, but the man was badly hurt and unable to move. Not wanting to move the injured man, Frank waited for paramedics to tend to the man.
Although he has been driving for only about four years, Frank said he has stopped to assist people involved in accidents before but this is the first time he’s run into such a serious accident where no one else stopped to help.
“That’s what puzzled us because it’s a busy highway,” explained Frank. “It was right around Christmas time, too, and no one else stopped. I felt I had to.”
The woman was so appreciative of Frank’s efforts, she later called the local newspaper and sent him a letter and gift certificate.
Frank also received a Highway Angel lapel pin, certificate, and patch from TCA for his efforts, and his employer, U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc., received a certificate for acknowledging a Highway Angel in their midst.
Since its inception in August 1997, the Highway Angel program has recognized hundreds of drivers for the unusual kindness, courtesy, and courage they have shown others while on the job. TCA has received letters and emails from people across the country nominating truck drivers for the program.
“We continue to be amazed by the number of professional truckers who go out of their way to help a stranger and many times put their lives at risk as well,” said Nancy O’Liddy, director of public affairs and marketing for TCA. “TCA is proud and delighted to offer the kind of program that gives these drivers the recognition and support they deserve while at the same time creates a greater public awareness and appreciation for the many outstanding drivers in this industry.”