Resources for COVID-19

TCA, much like our partners in government, remains committed to the well-being of our members, our employees, and the trucking community as a whole. As our nation continues to address the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we are committed to serving our membership in a role that is most important to you, as a conduit of information that best provides you with an opportunity for continuing your operations in these uncertain times.


COVID-19, as you know, is a fluid situation which may have changed at the time in which the information is reviewed by you. Please stay alert to any new updates – TCA is actively working to keep this page as current as possible


Have questions or concerns?
We are requesting TCA members to keep us informed of the challenges you’re facing in regards to COVID-19.
Please contact us at TCA, we’re happy to help. 
(703) 838-1950

We will be sending out updates daily; view past updates below:

Complimentary TCA Webinars on COVID-19


FMCSA Website

Department of Transportation (DOT)

Center for Disease Control

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)


Department of Labor

White House

Small Business Administration

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Timely Legal Comment Articles by TCA’s Legal Counsel

IRS – Extending Tax Filing Deadline

International Registration Plan (IRP)


Updates from Truck Stops

World Health Organization (WHO)

Johns Hopkins University – Center for Systems Science and Engineering

National Governors Association (NGA)

From Industry Partners

Transport Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada

Real ID Update