The New TCA

NOTE: If you had an account in the previous system, it’s still active in the new TCA,
but you will need to update your password.
Celebrating 80 years of service to the trucking industry, the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) is beginning a new era – an era of bold ideas helping your innovative companies grow more profitable and of strong voices in Washington telling the real story of Truckload and creating the changes our industry needs. But to achieve those changes, TCA needed to change itself – inside and out.
Introducing the new TCA website.
The new site is designed to transform how you engage with TCA. With its bright design, intuitive navigation, and brand new member portal, the site offers users a streamlined experience that will allow you to read, learn, register, nominate, give back, and receive all of the TCA information you need quickly, so you can get right back to running your business.
Click through the sections below to learn all that the new TCA site has to offer.
What's New
Big and bold
Just like our members’ companies. The new site is designed to be both readable and eye-catching, with the information you want in your sight before you’ve even had a chance to look for it. The simple black text on white background allows all the new images, videos, TCA member logos, buttons, and hyperlinks to pop.
Get Where You’re Going
When you come to the TCA website, do you already know what information you’re looking for or are you just browsing to see what’s new? Either way, the new site’s intuitive navigation will help you get where you want to be quickly and efficiently.

More to See
You’ve never had this much TCA content at your fingertips.
Stroll down truckload memory lane with re-vamped contests and image program pages now including historic winner announcements and videos synthesized into one place for the first time in TCA history.
The brand new Legislative Action Center will keep you up to date on current regulatory and legislative matters relating to trucking and will allow to you to take action and contact your representatives to help TCA tell Truckload’s story.
Have a colleague who doesn’t know about TCA? Show them the new What We Do page, with a concise summary of the association and a cool new “TCA By the Numbers” section featuring flip cards taking you to different pages that will allow you to help TCA get those numbers even higher.
How well do you know your TCA member benefits? The updated benefits page will provide you a new perspective on your TCA membership.
The TCA Way
This website is going to transform how you engage with TCA. When your portal is fully customized and your team begins taking full advantage of all the TCA member benefits, taking courses toward a certification, applying for contests, and registering for events, you’re going to check back here multiple times throughout your week to see what’s new and to take action. The entire TCA membership is going to be more active – you’re going to want to be a part of the new experience.
New System, New Login
Your username is your email and your password has to be
- At least 8 characters
- At least 1 uppercase letter
- At least 1 lowercase letter
- At least 1 number
- At least 1 symbol (!@#$%^&*=+, etc.)
Once you’ve updated your password, take a look through your new portal. You can update your personal information, register for an upcoming TCA meeting or webinar, and join a committee all in one place!
Are you the primary contact for your company?
Then you have admin rights to your organization’s portal. You can manage your company roster, group register your team for an event, or renew your TCA membership!