The Veteran Among Us: Empowering Employment Success
The goal of this webinar is to highlight and help with some of our veteran’s biggest challenges in life. Many veterans struggle with assimilating back into civilian life. The military is excellent at training Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines on defending this nation and providing a well-structured and controlled environment. However, not so much once one separates from the service, managing this change falls directly on the veteran and those changes can be challenging. From finding housing, employment, schools for children, employment for a partner, assimilation back to the civilian sector; all high stressors that can easily be the genesis of a host of veteran related issues from homelessness to addiction issues to suicidal ideations. Absent of a specific clinical diagnosis, many of these challenges our veterans face, can be addressed with proper resources and awareness.
Too few programs or opportunities exist to facilitate this transition and therefore, falls on the shoulders of the employer to provide real world solutions. In this webinar we will share how carriers can adopt tactics, programs, and share awareness of the uniqueness a veteran brings to the employer. By doing so, we may well reduce or eliminate many of the residual issues like mental health challenges, relationship challenges, financial challenges, simply by making the assistance available to a veteran. If we, as an industry, come together to work with each other to define what Veteran Ready really means, then we can make our industry a leader for advocacy for our real heroes, our men and women that served, our brothers and sisters.
Goals of presentation
- Establish awareness of how to recognize a veteran.
- Identify why a veteran has a unique set of challenges when entering the workforce.
- Break down veterans’ biggest challenges in civilian life and specifically in the transportation industry.
- Discuss ideas, concepts, and programs that we (the employer and industry) can readily adopt.
David Pike
Director of Recruiting
NFI Industries
Adam Rocke
President, Client Relations
Katie’s Way Plus
moderated by:
Jen Cook
Program Manager
NFI Industries