Public Voting for the 2022 Highway Angel of the Year Award is Now Open


CFI, Cheema Freightlines, and Trans-System Highway Angels named finalists

Public voting for the 2022 Highway Angel of the Year Award is now open


Since its inception in 1997, TCA’s Highway Angel program has recognized professional truck drivers for the exemplary courtesy and courage they have shown others while on North America’s roadways. TCA, its Presenting Sponsor EpicVue, and Supporting Sponsor DriverFacts, are honored to recognize nearly 100 recipients a year, with over 1,300 to date.

Highway Angels are nominated by their employers, fellow professional truck drivers, or the motorists they’ve assisted and saved.

Beginning today, January 18, the public is encouraged to cast their vote for the professional truck driver who best embodies the spirit of the program. The voting deadline is next Friday, January 27.

The finalists for the 2022 Highway Angel of the Year Award are:

Kyle Uhrich

Trans-System, Inc.

Rescued several injured crash victims from their burning vehicles and extinguishing the fires, amid live ammunition exploding.





Richard Schjoth

Cheema Freightlines

Rescued two truckers whose semi crashed down a 75-foot embankment early in the morning.





Zach Yeakley


Rescued six crash victims from a deadly, chain-reaction crash in dense fog that involved more than 45 vehicles.


The winner of the 2022 Highway Angel of the Year Award will be announced during TCA’s Annual Convention, Truckload 2023: Orlando, during the Awards Presentations & Lunch on Monday, March 6.

In addition to being recognized at TCA’s Annual Convention and receiving a personalized crystal truck, the winner receives a complimentary EpicVue satellite TV package that includes a 24-inch flat screen TV, a DVR, and a one-year subscription to over 100 channels of DIRECTV programming, including premium channels such as HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and the NFL Sunday Ticket.